Medieval Lance


The word comes from chevalerie which derives from cheval, French for horse, and the horse is what set the knight apart.

The words tournament and jousting are often used interchangeably. Joust
Describes single combat between two horsemen.

Refers to mounted combat between parties of knights, but also is used to refer to the whole proceeding.

The first written tournament guidelines are usually credited to a Frenchman named Geoffroi de Purelli in 1066. Unfortunately, he was killed at the very tournament for which he made the rules.

The lance initially began as a long spear (about 9?) but became progressively longer and heavier, it?s late Medieval form being a specialized weapon unsuited to use on foot

Weapons Sword Lance Shield Chainmail Axe Mace Dagger Longbow Catapult Gunpowder battering ram