The fields of a
medieval manor are open spaces divided, almost imperceptibly, into
long narrow strips. Only the fields being grazed by cattle are
The others are open and are identifiable as separate fields
only by the crops which they bear. The unusual detail is that the
single crop in each field is separately farmed - in individual
strips - by peasant families of the local village.
the Medieval system, land was communal and split into strips given
out each year to different serfs. Under the new system, known as the
enclosure system, the farms were now divided up into small compact
farms. The commons of the old system were also divided up under the
new system. January & February, Work
indoors repairing hunting nets.
March, Work in the fields, ploughing and cultivating.
April, clean ditches, pruning trees, fixing sheds.
May, Sheep cleaning and shearing, planting and field maintenance
June, mowing hay crop.
July, harvest grains.
August, threshing and winnowing of grains.
September, fruits picked and dried.
October, gather nuts, roots, berries.
November, firewood gathered.
December, trim trees, grape vines pruned, and hunting
Weeding, Ploughing,
Irrigation, Sickles,
Threshing, Wheat,
Barley, Millet,
Rye, Olive Trees,