Templar Knights, The Da Vinci Code

Leonardo Da Vinci

The mystery of the Knights Templar has been in the public conscious lately because of their portrayal as the guardians of the Holy Grail in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" and other contemporary works.

Intrigue and controversy, though, have followed them since medieval times.

The Knights Templar began in 1120 as a band of modest monks who took up arms to protect pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem.  The knights were handsomely rewarded for their services by rich patrons.

Just as fast as they appeared, they disappeared from sight. In the early 14th century, King Phillip of France declared the Knights Templar heretics, hunted them down, and raided their vast treasuries.

Since then, their legend has grown !

After being wiped out by King Philip, the surviving members formed a new group, the Freemasons, some say. They are rumoured to have found the Holy Grail and other religious secrets in Jerusalem.


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